Are an influential group of international and British companies who have a common interest in packaging and sustainability. They share a vision of the future where all production,
distribution, and consumption are sustainable.
They aim to:
- Help ensure policy on packaging makes a positive
contribution to sustainability - Encourage industry to minimise the environmental impact of packaging and packaged products and continuously improve packaging
- Explain the role of packaging
Packaging In Supermarkets is definatley something that should be avoided where possible. I agree packaging in some situations is needed to preserve the shelf-life of a product and its nutrients however many products use packaging where it simply isn't needed.
A prime example of this would be crisps, yes it needs packaging but the size of the bag compared to the product is ridiculous, almost twice as much packaging is used.
Ways that can improve the current situation would be natural packaging solutions, biodegradable solutions and using your own bags as packaging.
On some packaging they offer instructions on how to re-use/ recycle which is brilliant, educating the community is the first step to solving the ecological problems. With the introduction of the bottle bins and the green lid bins its easier to break down our recycling and my family and I know what should go where. The council does offer a few ways to improve recycling such as 'clothes banks' etc to offer more options with what to do with goods/packaging after you've done with them however I feel incentive schemes would work a lot better.
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