Wednesday 6 November 2013

Primary Research Competitors - Design

A brief look at the design of some of Edward Bulmers competitors

They are all very minimalistic and simple which is what Edward Bulmers pots of paint was after. The logo is the main focus point which was noted in the specifications from Peter and its only Farrow & Ball who really achieve this from the above.

 Although some of the paint products above may be eco their packaging really does not support that in terms of aesthetics.
For example the Crown eco paint has a glossy label with seven or more colours present. There are a few pictorial,computer edited images/vectors on it which clash with the message earth balance. If you compare this to the Laura Ashley label (bearing in mind this is not an eco paint) the colours are few and very natural, the design is simple and doesn't feel too modernised.

I understand that Edward Bulmers Pots of Paint don't necessarily deal directly to the consumer of the paint but as they expand the look/packaging will have to appeal as eco to them.I feel half the battle of selling an Eco paint is its packaging image.

Therefore I feel exploring the route of  a single coloured stamp design can communicate the message, be cost effective and eco friendly. This aesthetic trend originated from a time where mass productive machinery for printing wasn't in use which is why it will be effective, not only that its a trend people are revisiting for the 'hand crafted' appeal.

A Few Examples

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