Saturday 26 October 2013

Materials... Wood Pulp?

Wood Pulp is a material I can say I am seriously considering using, although durability may be an issue its 100% recyclable something which cant be said for metal or plastic! If not it could definatley be a resource for transporting the paint safely.

It can be molded into any shape
It's cost effective
its 100% recyclable

- Will it soak up the paint?
- Will it be durable enough?

Further investigation..

In 2010 Dutch designer Studio Jo Meesters experimented with the material (paper pulp) in his collection simply titled 'Pulp'. It started as a research looking for alternative materials made out of paper waste and after adding epoxy and polyurethane ended up creating a material strong enough to hold water.

'since 2008, studio jo meesters has been working on the project TESTLAB, experimenting
on the rejuvenation and the reuse of discarded materials. using the 'pulp' collection as
a foundation, studio jo meesters reinvented TESTLAB to create a series of paper furniture,
researching the potential of paper pulp for furniture applications by upcycling cardboard
panels and old newspapers'
The process is similar to paper mache however it is extreamly long and uses many inks/glues to create the strong water resistant coating. Due to this its not really feasible nor very green, but it's nice to know that material does have potential.

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