Thursday 10 October 2013


lite2go is a portable lamp that contains no packaging what so ever and can be assembled and disassembled using the pieces of the lamp to transport it safely.

Here is a comparison of the set-up between a normal light and a lite2go and its packaging.

Design to minimise the ecological footprint - The lite2go is a sustainably-designed lamp that sheds the excess of packaging by eliminating it all together. As you can see in the video the traditional lamp packaging uses cardboard, Styrofoam, plastic wraps, staples where as the lite2go has none.The lamp contains an energy saving light bulb (CFL bulb) compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. Also its light-weight encourages efficiency in shipping reducing the amount of fuel needed to transport which then gets released as gas into the air. Recycled paper label,Recycled paper manual and hemp twine have all been used - This reduces the use of raw materials which has its own effects on the environment when gathering them. Hemp twine is a natural resource to replace plastic.

the energy saving light bulb

Design to exclude the use of substances toxic or hazardous - All the components of the lamp can be disassembled and are biodegradable or recyclable. No toxic processes or chemicals are used in manufacturing. The manufacturing of the lamp is simple and  all aspects of the design have been considered with sustainability in mind.

Design to maximise a product/material/service product's benefits to communities. - No packaging means less waste around the local area, plus it eliminates the need to go out and buy plastic or cardboard boxes to move or store the product.

Design to enable the separation of components of the product/material or service product   at the end of life in order to encourage recycling or reuse of materials and/or components. -
All the components of the lamp can be disassembled and are biodegradable or recyclable.

Design to satisfy real needs as opposed to transient, fashionable or market-driven needs. - I dont really see this as a fashionable gimmick.The fact that it takes less time to assemble compared to a normal lamp is beneficial to everyone, It uses less energy which is saving the consumer money and its environmentally friendly.

Design to foster debate and challenge the status quo surrounding existing products/materials/ service products. - With something as simple as this utilising the packaging as part of the product, you can start to see how this technique could be employed in other products to benefit the environment. It greatly improves the experience and value of the lamp to the consumer so it is appealing. I think more people would be interested in buying a product if they knew how it could be re-used effectively. Unfortunately companies may be wary of this idea because they want people to buy more products instead of re-using to increase their income , so the initiative needs backing from the government.
All components of the lite2go lamp can be disassembled and are biodegradable or recyclable. No toxic processes or chemicals are used in manufacturing of the - See more at:
The lite2go is a sustainably-designed lamp that sheds the excess of packaging by eliminating it all together. - See more at:
The lite2go is a sustainably-designed lamp that sheds the excess of packaging by eliminating it all together. - See more at:
The lite2go is a sustainably-designed lamp that sheds the excess of packaging by eliminating it all together. - See more at:
The lite2go is a sustainably-designed lamp that sheds the excess of packaging by eliminating it all together. - See more at:
The lite2go is a sustainably-designed lamp that sheds the excess of packaging by eliminating it all together. - See more at:

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