Monday 2 December 2013


Through my research and review of the current label I came to the conclusion that it simply does not communicate the message of being an eco friendly paint.

Stamp's & minimalistic design was an aspect I found to be quite popular as far as design trend go currently. The stamps have a 'hand crafted' appeal and look the part in terms of an eco aesthetic product.

Research here >

I played around with two idea's of stamps/letterpress embedding into the cardboard slip over which will be going over the top of my packaging (tetra-pak) to hold the logo, product information etc.

I've also produced some mock-ups of how the stamp/letterpress will work on cardboard to check how appropriate it looks. The results I was quite pleased with but market research will be the real test of that.

This is similar to how the final version will look with the paint details on the front.

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